Friday, May 8, 2009


Do you remember the sitcom Friends? A group sat around the living room and helped one another solve problems. Each person would give his point of view. So many times I have seen this same type of gathering distroy a client's dream. After I have taken a client out two or three times, he/she usually finds the right property. I can see it in the body language and the phrases such as where the furniture would go and when do the sellers want to move. The excitement builds as we get back to the office. Then comes the risky question of "Could I take a friend, brother, father, cousin to look at the property with me before we write the offer?" Since I am representing the buyer at this stage, I want to make sure he/she is making the right decision with no regrets later. I agree and we set another appointment. I don't know if it is sour grapes, false knowledge of the market or a real opinion but when the other person visits the property all of a sudden there are negative issues that pop out from the disposal, size of rooms, closets, etc. I can see the doubt registering on my client's face. Everyone goes back to the living room to discuss friend's ideals which then don't seem so great after all. The next call I get from the client is a postponement of shopping for their dream. When we get together again the enthusiasm is gone. So when you want to buy something make sure the "friend" really has your best interest at heart. Take a positive person with you who has already purchased a property. They know all the angst that you are going through.

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